I’m 4 years old. My Abba says that’s very big. I used to live with Abba and Ima in our home in Kibbutz Kfar Aza.
On Simchat Torah, my life changed forever.

I woke up early on Simchat Torah
to the sound of gunshots.
Abba told me and my sister Amalia and brother Michael that we needed to go to the safe room and be very quiet because there were bad people outside.
I tried my best to be quiet, but the terrorists still found us.
My Ima shielded me so I wouldn’t see what would happen. I heard screaming and crying and stopped. It was so quiet.
After a long time, I came out of my hiding place. I was covered in blood. My Abba and Imma were very hurt and I couldn’t find my siblings. I didn’t know the terrorist had told them to hide. I was all by myself.
I ran quickly to my neighbors house to ask for help, but the terrorists were there too. They put me and my neighbors in a big truck and took us to a hiding place far away where they kept us for a long time.
I missed Amalia and Michoel so much and was worried about my parents. The people who took us were very mean. They yelled at us a lot and told me to be very quiet.
One day chayalim came to bring me back to Israel. They brought me to the hospital where I met my Doda Liron & Dod Zoli. I was so excited to see my aunt and uncle!
I asked them when I could go home to Abba and Ima, but Doda Liron said I was going to come to their house in a different place just for a little bit.
It hasn’t been easy for us.
I have to share everything with my Amalia, Michael, and my three cousins. It’s fun to have so many children to play with, but sometimes I wish I could go backto my old home.
Dod Zoli lost his job because of the war and he spends every day taking care of all six of us. We have a lot of appointments during the week and he makes sure we all get there.
I miss my Abba and Ima a lot. Sometimes it's hard for me to sleep at night because of the things I’ve seen. But Doda Liron and Dod Zoli try their best to make sure I am happy.
My cousins also have bad dreams at night. Sometimes when they hear loud noises, it reminds them of the rockets and makes them feel afraid.

She said she started an organization called Israel Orphans of 10/7 to help children who don’t have an Abba and Ima anymore - just like me!

Marlene comes to Israel all the time to visit us. We love it when she comes because she always brings special toys, clothing, and gift cards. I love playing games with her when she comes - we always have so much fun!
When school closed for the summer, Marlene bought our family a swimming pool! We were so excited to have something special to do together as a family and it kept us busy for hours every day.
Every week Marlene calls Zoli to ask how we are doing. We started to call her Doda Marlene because she is a part of our family now.
Thanks to Israel Orphans of 10/7, my family and I know we are not alone on this difficult journey. Marlene is always there to wish us a Shabbat Shalom and make sure we are ok.
Marlene... Shabbat Shalom and a chag sameach always making sure we are ok.